Tony hawk pro skater hd wont launcher
Tony hawk pro skater hd wont launcher

Deck 2 Rail – 300 Points – Get up onto the deck above the quarter-pipe in the corner of the warehouse next to the ramps leading to the level's starting point. Big Rail – 200 Points – This one's as easy as pie, just grind the length of the rail in the center of the room going either direction.ħ. Before launching off the taxi towards the rail try pulling a trick in the corner section for the quarter-pipe running along the back of the room to get lined up for the sequence.Ħ. What's hard is actually landing on the beginning of the rail, as it can be really tough to aim for. Taxi 2 Rail – 1000 Points – This is definitely the toughest of the Taxi to something gaps to make even though it's not that difficult to get the air needed to reach the rail in the center of the room from the Taxi cab jump. Ollie from the taxi to the center of the half-pipe for the bonus.ĥ. Just get a little speed by pulling a trick off the quarter-pipe running along the back wall, under the large skateboarding sign and aim for the taxi.

tony hawk pro skater hd wont launcher tony hawk pro skater hd wont launcher

Taxi Gap – 600 Points – This one isn't very tough. Taxi 2 Ledge – 500 Points – Get loads of speed by grinding the center rail or pulling some air on the hump portion of the quarter-pipe running along the back of the room and Ollie from the taxi to the ledge with the railing leading to the half-pipe.Ĥ. Then grinding the length of the rail in the center of the room and launch off the quarter-pipe in the back of the room towards the sign hanging above.ģ. To get up there get a load of speed by pulling a trick off the quarter-pipe in the upper left of the area. High Rail – 200 Points – Grind the entire length of the top of the Skateboarding sign. Pull tricks and spins in-between grinds for the big points.Ģ. You must grind the entire sign to get the bonus but you will also get the High Rail bonus. Moving left to right, grind the top of the sign, ollie to the coping on the quarter-pipe below then ollie to and grind the railing leading to half-pipe. Land on the top left of the big Skateboarding sign hanging above in a grind. Get a load of speed by pulling a trick off the quarter-pipe in the upper left of the area and then grinding the length of the rail in the center of the room and launch off the quarter-pipe in the back of the room. Monster Grind – 500 Points – This one is tough but not impossible.

#Tony hawk pro skater hd wont launcher full

Check the corresponding number in the text for a full description of that particular gap.Click Map for Larger Version. Maps Note: Numbers on the maps represent gaps found throughout the level. But then again his is just the first level and things will get tougher as you advance.

tony hawk pro skater hd wont launcher

This is one of the few levels that it is actually possible to earn all five tapes in a single run. There loads of hidden gaps to uncover and a couple like the Face-plant gap and the Holy Sh** grind are darn tough to pull off. This ramp filled warehouse may be small compared to the other areas in the game but it has elements of every type of skate-able surface you’ll find throughout the rest of the game.

tony hawk pro skater hd wont launcher

The game starts out in lovely Woodland Hills in LA, also known as "The Valley".

Tony hawk pro skater hd wont launcher